Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rope Necklace

Instead of doing my homework I decided to copy a necklace I saw at Akira. I had some rope I bought last year and some felt and i just busted out the super glue and started gluing stuff together. This is possibly one of the easiest things I have made yet. So let your crafty side run wild, get some rope and glue and try your own.

I Finally Set Up My Sewing Machine!

So after living in the dorm for approximately 3 months I finally found the motivation this weekend to set up my sewing machine. Ever since I have been in a sewing frenzy. I made this tassel t-shirt yesterday out of a cheap shirt I got at forever 21 and some tassel left over from a previous project. Now my tassel earrings can match my tassel shirt.

Homemade Gifts Are The Best

For my birthday my sister made me this awesome necklace. I was going to make myself one but instead out of laziness I just asked her to make one for me. I just love how crafty my family is because homemade gifts are the best.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Possibly One Of The Best Shows Ever

I have really been getting into British t.v. shows lately and the best one yet is Skins. It follows a bunch of teenagers going through high school and all their crazy adventures. Filled with drama, drugs, sex, death and of course cute British boys this show will shock anyone. There are 3 seasons and they are currently filming the 4th. Give it a try you never know you might like it. Trust me im not really one for cheesy drama teenager shows but this one is good.

Presents Presents Presents!

In celebration of my birthday my friends and I had a pre birthday party. My good friend Laura made me these cute prints. They are already on my wall. I just love cute homemade gifts.

Halloween Ideas

I have no idea what to be for Halloween. Im never creative enough for it. I was thinking of doing a double duo and be wheres Waldo and wheres Wendy with my friend but we might be too lazy to find costumes for that. Then I though I would be a bro... but I do not have any bro clothes nor could I afford to buy them. My friend and I were shopping at Ragstock where I found this cute old man fedora for 4$! So i think I might just be a hispter for Halloween. I dont have to buy any new clothes and it was a good excuse to get the hat. What do you think?

I Might Have An Obsession with Sea Life

My Very favorite necklace in the whole wide world is the crab necklace my sister gave me for Christmas. ever since i have been trying to find additional sea life jewelry to go with it. I found these cute tentacle earrings and ring on Etsy the other day and I absolutely love them but they are all over 80.00 dollars! That's a bit over my poor college student budjet so ill just admire them until I can convince someone to buy them for me.

Lets get Crafty

So in a spell of creativeness I made this. It was originally a choker necklace made out of fish vertebrae I got in Costa Rica. I dont like choker necklaces so I took it apart and made it 20 times as long by putting gold beads in between. Its one of my favorites now.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Countdown

So my birthday is in two weeks which means preasants for me!!!! I dont understand how my siblings and I became so materialistic but whenever christmas and our birthdays roll around we tend to freak out about getting presents. Before I left for college my parents bought me a sewing maching which was an early present but my sisters still have to pay their dues. To give them ideas I decided a nice new jacket would be perfect especially with how cold its been lately in Chicago. I found these really cute military style jackets at Forever 21 and Charlotte Russe so they will still be cheap which is always good.

Tassles Always Make It Better

After sewing curtain tassels to a shirt I realized matching earrings would be a must. With the leftover curtain tassels I made these. Though the shirt didnt work out I still have a really cute pair of earrings.

Zippers and Zippers

While in a spurt of creativity my sister and I made these really cool necklaces. They are as easy as they look, all you have to do is get some zippers roll them up and hot glur them together. This is by far one of my favorite cheap and easy to do accessories.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

So I have been trying to find a pair of every day heels. I found these Marc Jacobs heels that I absolutely love, however I wonder how easy they are to walk in. Not like I could afford them anyway.

trying to keep up

So our last trip to the Sal Val was not quite successful as I had hoped. However I did find this awesome painting for our kitchen it apparently was painted by a guy who graduated from the Art Institute of Chicago. Then there are these really cute owl salt and pepper shakers I found when I was working at the Sal Val back in Michigan. I just love owls.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Its Only Just Begun

Canada was a blast and it helps that I found this really cute top at Salvation Army when I was working there to wear to Canada. With some cute leggings my Canada outfit was really cute and simple. Now I'm moved back in to the dorms in Chicago and class starts on Monday so until then my roommates and I have been attempting to decorate our new place. We are off to the Salvation Army to see what treasures await us. I will post pics of the finished product.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

So these next few days are going to be very busy for me. Tomorrow my girlfriends and I are going to Canada for the weekend in celebration of my best friends birthday. Soon after I leave to move back into my dorm in Chicago and of course I have not packed at all. Between work and planning everything I can barely find time to craft anything (which is pointless because that is the reason I have this blog). However, squeezed between everything I have to do I did find some time to make these. After returning from Costa Rica a couple of weeks ago I decided to finally make a necklace and matching earrings of these small and fragile sea urchins. My sister had the same idea but unfortunately all of her shell's were taken in immigration whereas I hid them in my suitcase. Lucky for her my fragile urchins made it through the flight and I had plenty left over to give her some. Now we have matching necklaces. I think they are so cute and unique looking and I plan to make some more and sell them on my etsy shop if you like them.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Give In To The Peer Pressure

Hello Bloggers,
After much convincing from my friends to start blogging I have decided to give in to the peer pressure. This is my very first blog and I am very excited to share all the things that I find unique and interesting with you. This is not a very specific blog but instead will be about all things fashion, do it yourself projects, travel, books, music and usually whatever random things I find at salvation army. Feel free to attempt some of the jewelry/clothing projects I attempt to make and enjoy reading about all the unique or weird things that I find beautiful. It just might open your eyes to something you never knew you would like.